Lately, I have been into styling more urban and casual looks. I am not sure exactly why. It might be because of my mood or the music I have been playing on my Spotify lately, inspiring me to dress accordingly. Whatever the case, I like it.

So with my little eye, I bring to you “I Spy.” For the upper half, I am wearing a beanie from Forever 21, a graphic top with a variety of boom boxes that I thrifted, and a cool knit-trimmed jacket that is also from Forever 21 to give off a laid back feel. For the lower half, I am wearing treggings from H&M and chucks. If you do not know what treggings are, they are leggings that are styled to look like trousers. The fit is similar to leggings, but treggings are made out of a thicker fabric and are just as comfortable. I absolutely love the color of the treggings, as they are between a glaucous and slate color and was the main reason why I purchased the treggings.

Additional pictures are below:


It was fun shooting “I Spy” with my sister, Michelle. We wanted to mix it up and play around with the surroundings for a different perspective. Thanks again, Michelle! How is everyone’s week looking so far? Tell me about it the comments below. I would love to hear from you, and I will see you back here on the Crystal Avenue in a few more days.

Photography by Chelle Nguyen

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