Manicure Monday: Mojito Madness

Manicure Monday: Mojito Madness

Happy Manicure Monday, everyone! Today on the Crystal Avenue, I am reviewing “Mojito Madness” from Essie. I have been a long time fan of Essie as brand. I absolutely love the consistency of the formulas and variety of colors. As a sucker for pastel colors, Essie has been my go to nail polish brand for pastel colors. Thus in light of March and Manicure Monday, I wanted a different shade of green to wear on my nails. Currently in my nail polish collection, I only have shades of emeralds and darker greens.

“Mojito Madness” is the perfect lime green color and is between Essie’s Mint Candy Apple and an actual green. One of the downsides is the applicator, which I know I am particular about. There are not too many nail polish applicators that are wide enough for my nails and are also efficient. However the applicator is not the deal breaker and I still love Essie. I also was not sure if I did not apply enough layers or if my top coat was not meshing well with “Mojito Madness” that the nail varnish did not last the full week as it typically does, so I had to dock a point off of my review.

Affordability: 5/5
Applicator Brush: 3/5
Color: 5/5
Easy to Apply: 5/5
Long Lasting: 4/5
Total: 88% approval rating

I hope you all had a good Monday. If it was a little bit bumpy like mine, I hope the rest of your week picks up for you to drink a mojito on the weekend.

