A Way Back Into Love

A Way Back Into Love

Photography by Anthony Thai

It’s been a long time, we should have not left you, without a dope beat to step to…is the song that is playing in my head as I am writing today’s post on The Crystal Avenue. Since my last post on the Crystal Avenue, there has been quite a bit of changes in my work and personal life that I was previously struggling with. However with the support of my network and loved ones, I was able to shift gears and re-evaluate my needs, while still keeping the promises to myself for year 29 on being selfish, staying confident, and open to life. 

Photography by Mario Montoya

In mid September, I was invited by one of my good friends, Jeffrey, to work alongside other creatives. Conceptually, I was very intrigued as Julia, the organizer of the event, booked photoshoot locations with visually appealing sets for us to shoot and model. The twist? We only had about 15 minutes per set to create magic. Each model and photographer has a different style of working in front or behind the camera, thus I felt that the concept pushed and challenged both parties creatively.

Photography by Sandra Emmeline

With the holidays around the corner, the “Way of Love Navy Blue Off-The-Shoulder Bodycon Dress” from Lulus is perfect for your upcoming company holiday party, weddings, or fanicer get togethers. What I loved about this dress outside of the dress being a bodycon dress was the off-the-shoulder neckline and the side slit in the front of the dress. As you might have picked up on from following me, I am a sucker for pieces that are off-the-shoulder as I love showing off my collarbones and shoulders. To me, the side slit on the front of the dress adds a little bit of confidence the subtle look. For my accessories, I kept my accessories minimalistic with a pair of pearl earrings and wore black pumps.

Photography by Yidu Sun

Also, did you guys notice? I cut my hair. I do not remember the last time it was this length since my hair length has been close to hips for the last few years. I figured with all the changes, changing up my hair would allow me to be more free flowing. All in all, I hope this holiday season you are enjoying time with your loved ones and taking it easy on yourself. Remember to give love to others and most importantly, yourself. Take care and shout out to Sandra, Yidu, Anthony, and Mario for working alongside me, and another thank you to Julia for creating a space for creatives together to create magic. I will see you all in the next one.

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