R&R: Rest & Relaxation

Good Morning! Whether you're single and ready to mingle, in a relationship, an advocate for S.A.D. (Single Awareness Day), or feel indifferent to the week of Valentine's day, I have complied a week of different outfits to fit the mood or occasion.

To me, it does not matter if you are single or in a relationship. The most important thing is to love and have time for yourself, throughout the year and just not during the week of Valentine's day. If we don't have time to relax from our busy lives, and focus momentarily on ourselves, we will exhaust our engines, and forget to enjoy life and our goals and aspirations. So what better way to start my Valentine's theme week than to rest and relax?

Some things that I like to do to relax is to be in my pjs, watching different movies and tv shows, and reading. Currently, I am reading Tinkers by Paul Harding. Not to be morbid, I am immersed in Harding's use and depiction on death and time in this novel. Do you have any book or movie recommendations? I'm always looking for a good movie and book to read. Be sure to share them in the comments below.

Also, what would Valentine's week be without music? This week I will listing a few songs based on the theme. For R&R during Valentine's week, I like to listen to mellow music varieties on the experience of love. Be sure to check them out below:

And so, be sure this Valentine's week to make time to relax. Go watch a movie you've been dying to see or read a book that you just never had the time for. Take a bubble bath and just soak. Have a dance party. Work out. Light your room with a beautiful scented candle. Remind yourself of your goals. Focus on you.

Photography by Chelle Nguyen
